MuCol - A Design Study for a Muon Collider complex at 10 TeV center of massMuon colliders can reach centre-of-mass energies of tens of TeV with high luminosity, and they also allow accurate tests of the Standard Model at extremely high energy, offering opportunities to detect new physics indirectly and to confirm and to characterise direct discoveries. However, a number of technical challenges must be overcome in order to realise a muon collider. The EU has supported the MuCol programme to address the core of these key challenges. MuCol will develop the collider concept and assess the physics performance based on realistic performance goals for the collider components. The identification of the cost and power consumption drivers will enable determination of the cost and power consumption scale. This will allow the next European Strategy for Particle Physics Update (ESPPU) process to make informed choices for the selection of the next large collider to be built in Europe. |