Work Packages

WP Title Coordinator Institutes
1 Coordination and Communication Roberto Losito (CERN) CERN
2 Physics and Detectors Requirements Donatella Lucchesi (UNIPD) UNIPD, INFN, CEA, DESY, UOS, LIP, CERN
3 Proton Complex Natalia Milas (ESS) ESS, UU, CERN
4 Muon Production & Cooling Chris Rogers (STFC - UKRI) UKRI, Imperial, UWAR, CERN
5 High Energy Complex Antoine Chancé (CEA) CEA, INFN, CERN
6 RadioFrequency System Dario Giove (INFN) CEA, ULA, UROS, INFN, CERN, Strathclyde
7 Magnet Systems Luca Bottura (CERN) CERN, CEA, INFN, SOTON, TUDa, UTWENTE
8 Cooling cell Integration Lucio Rossi (CERN) UMIL, INFN, Imperial, CERN

